Friday, July 25, 2008

The Long & Winding Road

It is day 25 since our Dossier was logged in at the CCAA in Beijing. We got a call today from our agency in Oregon that the CCAA was missing 2 important documents that our Social Worker here in South Bend had to fax to them so they could sign and then they would have to fax to China. Confused? Don't be. In a matter of 30 minutes, the documents were being faxed to CCAA!
Amazing what modern technology can do.

Gabriel, our coordinator at Journeys of the Heart said that our file is being reviewed already (thats why they knew we were missing the 2 docs) and we could possibly receive our LOA or Letter Seeking Approval from Adoptees (us) in another week or so. Therefore it is quite possible that we could travel sometime in mid to late September. We need to travel before the Canton Trade Fair which lasts 3 weeks in October to avoid the 400% increase in hotel rooms.

We will keep you posted!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Waiting Family

While we know all our family will be excited to have Kaia home, no one is more excited than the "Grandmas" (Well maybe Hannah is more excited)

Where We Are At In The Process

Our chase for Kaia is being done almost completely backwards when compared to our chase for Hannah. With Hannah, all of our paperwork (dossier) had to be done and sent to China before we were matched with her.

With Kaia being special needs, we were "matched" with her before we started our paperwork. Our dossier was sent to China on June 5th, 2008 where it was translated into Chinese and then deilvered to the CCAA. It was officially logged into their system on June 30th, 2008.

We are now waiting for our LOA (Letter of Approval) from the CCAA and that could take anywhere from 1 to 3 months.

We were worried about the Olympics but that isn't a factor anymore since the CCAA slowed down a bit. Now we find out that Guangzhou is home to the largest Trade Fair in the world during October. So now we are just hoping and praying we travel before then.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How it all started

We started this process back in September, 2007 when we talked to a family who had adopted their daughter thru Journeys of the Heart. We had not conclusively decided on a sister for Hannah, but we knew that if we were going to do it, we would have to pursure a daughter thru the Special Needs or Waiting Children program since the healthy child program is taking upwards of 2-3 years. Plus we knew we wanted an older child.
Journeys of the Heart presented us with Tian Yue Rui's file which was due to be returned to China in about a week. If no one selected her and her file went back, she would most likely never be adopted out and she would remain in the orphanage until she was old enough to be turned out into the streets.
We couldn't let that happen!
We let JOH know that we wanted to proceed with the paperwork to bring "Kaia" home.