Friday, July 25, 2008

The Long & Winding Road

It is day 25 since our Dossier was logged in at the CCAA in Beijing. We got a call today from our agency in Oregon that the CCAA was missing 2 important documents that our Social Worker here in South Bend had to fax to them so they could sign and then they would have to fax to China. Confused? Don't be. In a matter of 30 minutes, the documents were being faxed to CCAA!
Amazing what modern technology can do.

Gabriel, our coordinator at Journeys of the Heart said that our file is being reviewed already (thats why they knew we were missing the 2 docs) and we could possibly receive our LOA or Letter Seeking Approval from Adoptees (us) in another week or so. Therefore it is quite possible that we could travel sometime in mid to late September. We need to travel before the Canton Trade Fair which lasts 3 weeks in October to avoid the 400% increase in hotel rooms.

We will keep you posted!

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