Thursday, November 20, 2008

US Consulate Day

Greetings! Our guide called us yesterday morning from the US Consulate to tell us our paperwork was in order and that: "by the way, your oath appointment has been moved up to this afternoon instead of tomorrow!"

So we walked to the White Swan where we met up with a TON of families heading over. We ended up with 3 large bus full of kiddo's, Mama's, Baba's, Grandma's, Grandpa's, aunties, etc. etc.

It was quite the site, but since no cameras were pics :(

Today is our last full day here. Kaia is so excited to be coming to America. She is telling all the maids, servers, bellboys, etc that she is "heading back to the States" in one day. They all laugh knowing she has never been there. Our favorite server at Lucy's, Joy, says Kaia is doing much better than most newly adopted older children. She says Kaia is "Happy in her Heart" to be going home with us. She is quite the jabber-jaw when she talks to various Chinese speaking people.
We can't wait to get home!

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